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Unicorn at LSE

LSE Vigil and Teach-Out for Transgender Day of Remembrance

2024-01-06T20:06:49+00:00November 20th, 2023|

On 20 November 2023 LSE faculty, staff, and students joined with invited speakers to commemorate the Transgender Day of Remembrance, through a vigil and a teach-out organised by Rejoin Stonewall. Participants gathered outside of the Marshall Building on LSE campus, holding posters bearing trans-affirming messages and lighting candles in remembrance. [...]

Trans-critical LSE professors launch right wing ‘academic freedom’ council

2024-01-06T20:06:55+00:00November 9th, 2023|

Trans-critical members of an LSE 'Academic Freedom' (LSE AF) group have organised a public lecture with UK barrister Akua Reindorf. The lecture launches a new London-wide council called the London Universities' Council for Academic Freedom (LUCAF). The council is led by trans-critical professors in universities associated with the University of London. The launch was scheduled [...]

The misinformation that ‘Stonewall is a lobbying group’

2024-01-06T20:07:01+00:00November 1st, 2023|

Some have recently criticised the UK charity Stonewall as a 'lobbying group', a 'pressure group', and a group with an LGBTQ+ 'political agenda'. It was among the primary reasons cited by senior managers at the London School of Economics for leaving from Stonewall in early 2023. Of course, Stonewall is a UK civil rights charity [...]

Scholarly resources on trans equality and academic freedom

2024-02-04T13:35:42+00:00October 20th, 2023|

Here you can find a few scholarly resources on academic freedom and on trans issues that are relevant to our cause. Contents Academic Freedom / Trans-Inclusive Feminism / Trans Panic / Stonewall / Kathleen Stock Academic Freedom Amia Srinivasan (2023) "Cancelled: Amia Srinivasan writes about free speech on campus", [...]

Coordinated attack on LGBTQ+ rights at LSE: A timeline

2024-01-06T20:07:14+00:00October 17th, 2023|

There have been coordinated rollbacks on LGBTQ+ rights at the London School of Economics in the last last year, with the attack focusing on trans rights. The rollbacks began when a small group of senior professors with anti-trans views successfully lobbied the LSE School Management Committee to pause and then disaffiliate from the Stonewall [...]

LSE quietly expands exceptions to discrimination policy

2024-01-06T20:07:26+00:00October 8th, 2023|

The LSE has quietly revised its Discrimination, Harassment and Bullying policy this month. The new policy was posted on their website sometime in early October 2023. We have received reports from UCU and Unison union members that both unions were consulted about these changes in August. However, it appears the Student Union was not consulted. [...]

LSE launches ‘Academic Freedom’ Group with strong anti-trans ties

2024-01-06T20:07:32+00:00September 28th, 2023|

Today the LSE launched the "LSE Academic Freedom" group (LSEAF). Their homepage includes links identifying Nigel Farage and Elon Musk as "heroes", and the entire leadership committee has strong ties to gender critical views that are critical of trans and LGBTQ+ identities. The group has proposed a policy that would allow lecturers to put [...]

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